Does Selling 100 Cars a Month Sound Impossible?I Thought So, Too . . .Until I did it!No one can sell 100 cars a month. Can they? Well, yes, they can. And you can, too. All you need are two things. You need to believe it’s possible. And you need to decide you want to do it. Once you have those two pieces of the puzzle firmly in place, your brain will start seeking out ways to make it happen. You’ll start thinking in new ways. You’ll approach your job differently.You don’t sell cars? That’s okay. It doesn’t matter whether you sell trucks, boats, RVs, motorcycles, or houses. Heck, this even works if you’re selling insurance or appliances. It’s a different approach that blows the doors off the traditional sales techniques.This book is all about getting to the next level.Whatever that is for you at the moment. You might not get to 100. You might not even care to get to 100. Maybe 45 would rock your world. The number itself doesn’t matter. What matters is continually raising your awareness of what’s possible. And challenging yourself to get to that next milestone.Everything in life is impossible, until it’s done . . . Then it’s inevitable.