This book is an effing simple guide to help newbies and experts alike prosper and thrive in network marketing. Toni (with guest appearances from partner in crime and husband Jay Treloar) jumpstart your success with stories, strategies, and specific techniques.Recounting her 20-year and $5 million earning experience in the industry, Toni guides you through:1. Success Stories—Beginning with an effing simple why and ending with effing simple mindset tools.2. Leadership Strategies—Including prioritizing self-leadership, partnering with others, and establishing the best environment.3. Network Marketing Specifics—Details on the effing simple profession of network marketing, prospecting, relationships, and today’s effing simple digital marketing.Written in plain language, with sarcasm and a few swear words thrown in for good measure, “Effing Simple” reads like advice from a good friend who’s really smart and has your best interest at heart.While reading, you’ll laugh, (maybe cry) and possibly smack yourself on the forehead thinking, “That’s effing simple! Why didn’t I think of that?” Also, you’ll likely feel energized and excited about joining the team of loud and proud network marketers, using their tools for success in any industry, and recruiting your partner to join you along the way!