You’re in the business of making money...... no matter what kind of business you run.When you sell your business, you stand to make some money - sometimes a significant amount of it.But if you’ve never sold a business before, how do you prepare to sell it? How do you decide on the right price? Who do you sell it to? You need to answer these questions and many more, or you risk losing up to 50% of the final value of your business. You could risk forfeiting the sale entirely.To prepare your company for its sale you have a couple of options.The first option takes a long time.You can buy as many books on selling a business as you can find, figure out what you need to change in your company before it can be sold, get it ready, and then sell it. This is a fair option, though it has risks. It will take a lot of time and a lot of money.There is another way.This option is easier and faster. You can draw on the experience of a seasoned veteran – someone who has helped hundreds of businesses go through the selling process. You’ll get answers to all the questions above, and answers to questions you don't even know you need to ask, reduce the time it takes to figure out what you need to do to sell your business, and get actionable steps to implement your plan.With this book, you’ll receive the knowledge of someone with two decades of experience selling companies. You’ll get a roadmap that walks you through the 10 steps you need to follow to get your business ready for sale.If you are looking for clear, concrete, and practical advice that cuts out all the unnecessary stuff about selling your company, you’ll love this book.Get it now.